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Showing 61 - 68 of 68 results

Key achievements 2019-20

Infographic showing the work of the national SPF and its key achievements.

1 July 2020

NHS Constitution

The NHS Constitution establishes the principles and values of the NHS in England.

22 April 2020

When it’s okay to tell the boss bad news

Read how Mersey Care worked in partnership to implement changes to organisational culture to create a safe environment for staff to raise concerns.

2 January 2020

Partnership Behaviours Toolkit

An annual audit tool to assess how effective the forum is working in partnership to mutually meet all parties aims and objectives

27 January 2019

Walking in each other's shoes

Download and use our partnership working exercise which aims to improve joint problem solving, achieving a common purpose and decision making.

10 August 2018

Tackling bullying in the NHS

The national SPFs collective call to action, which encouraged a partnership approach to tackling bullying in the NHS.

1 December 2016

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