SPF bulletin December 2023
Read the December edition of the SPF bulletin.

The SPF bulletin features updates from the national SPF groups, subgroups, and regional SPFs and offers access to new resources.
Access the bulletin to:
- respond to our survey seeking good practice examples in preventing and reducing violence against NHS staff
- access new publications/resources from NHS England (NHSE): menopause e-learning module, flu and COVID-19 vaccinations letter, Fit and proper persons test FAQs
- download the Headspace wellbeing app (free access for NHS staff extended) and share the shout text service with your networks
- read NHS Employers’ Recruiting people with experience of homelessness toolkit
- learn more about evaluating health and wellbeing programmes
- sign up to join NHSE’s kinder manager masterclasses
- book to join NHS Employers' cost of living masterclass.
We would like to say a big thank you for another year of hard work and continued commitment to social partnership working. We hope you have a chance for a restful break over the festive period.